
  1. Log into Github web interface with your username-nmdp account
  2. Browse to the repo at, hit the Fork button.
  3. Copy the clone URL from the Github web page for the fork (something like
  4. Clone the fork
git clone
cd flow-blast-hml
  1. Add upstream as remote
git remote add upstream
  1. Pull and merge latest changes from upstream master to your local master branch
git checkout master
git pull upstream master
git push
  1. Create a new local feature branch
git checkout -b new-feature-branch
  1. Edit files locally
  2. Commit changes to local feature branch
git commit -m "made changes"
  1. Push changes from local feature branch to remote feature branch on your fork
git push origin new-feature-branch
  1. Browse to the Github web page for your fork repo (something like and hit the new pull request button.
  2. Edit the pull request description and hit create new pull request button.
  3. Other contributors will review the changes in the pull request.
  4. When the pull request looks good, it will be merged into the master branch.
  5. Hit the delete branch button to delete your remote feature branch (the commits have been merge upstream, so it is no longer necessary).
  6. Delete your local feature branch
git branch -d new-feature-branch